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Pedal Power ACT

Cycling Infrastructure Petition Delivery Day

Mon, 4 Sep 2023
12:00 - 13:00

Join us at Civic Square on Monday 4 September 2023 as we deliver our petition to Build and Maintain Canberra's Active Travel Network to the Minister for Roads and Active Travel, Chris Steel.

Please arrive at 12pm for a 12:15pm start.

At 12:15pm we'll begin with some short speeches and then at 12:30pm we'll all gather to take a photo of our banner showcasing the number of signatures on our petition. After, a few of us will meet with the Minister to hand over our petition.

We've seen an overwhelming response to our petition so far and we're hoping to reach 1000 signatures by this petition delivery date to prove that Canberrans want a connected, safe, and convenient cycle and active travel network.

Please bring your bikes, scooters and other active travel devices as we would love to show the ACT Government the diversity of non-vehicle transportation being used. 

Don't fear, our campaign is not over! We'll keep our petition open so more and more Canberrans can add their voice until we see genuine commitments (and actions!) with timeframes to improve and expand our active travel network. 

Register below to let us know that you'll be attending!

Ticket Type Price
Attendee $0.00 Sale Ended
Civic Square (outside the ACT Legislative Assembly)
180 London Cct, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

Canberra City, Australian Capital Territory, 2601, Australia

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